About Us

We work hard to encourage and teach financial knowledge to those who want to make money.

The Business

Money Regard is a finance business with the goal of teaching people how to invest in their future and manage their money properly.

We discuss investing in stocks so that others can learn and understand how to make money passively.  Value, growth, and dividends are important in our research for good stocks as we analyze hundreds of stocks on a regular basis.  It’s important that people learn about value investing as it can allow the common investor to have their own opinion and own businesses that they think will well outperform the market.  Below our youtube channel is listed so feel free to check that out if you want to learn more about investing in the market with confidence.

There are many ways to determine whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued so we created a series on our youtube channel that is dedicated to looking at numerous financial analyst tools such as intrinsic value, book value, and PE.  In order to understand what we own, we understand every company’s core business and determine a long-term outlook on the stock in addition to determining whether the stock is overvalued or undervalued.

Youtube Channel

At Money Regard we provide stock analysis videos explaining whether stocks are overvalued or undervalued and give our long term analysis on the stock. We encourage others to invest in the long term and try to make numerous videos in a variety of industries to help everyone in an abundance of different sectors. Our goal is to teach people how to analyze stocks well and understand why some stocks are great for dividend, growth, and value investors while others lag behind and provide risk for no financial gain. We plan to upload once or twice a week and videos will likely be uploaded on weekends more often than weekdays.